วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 28 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2564

 4. New Year 2021🎆

In the new year

I was with my neighbor👩👧

In the evening we went to the playground and played the swing

 together, At dinner time we also had barbecue together, After we

 finished the dinner we went to played fireworks too!. After that

 when the time was 23:30pm. we count down together. I felt really

 enjoy and happy staying whith my neighbor after we were together

 for 6 years.👭💕




7. Instruction ➯ How to set live wa llpaper in ios ✨ First go to app TikTok or Pinteres t and search  "Live wallpaper" , You can ...